The 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese

Society for Biomedical Mass Spectrometry


œ@September 12 (Thu.) œSeptember 13 (Fri.) œSeptember 14(Sat.)

September 14(Sat.)

9:00 Symposium II

Decreased urine ƒΐ-phenylethylaminein in children with ADHD and autistic disorder

       Yushiro YAMASHITA1, Akira KUSAGA1, Shigeto YAMADA2 , Toyojiro MATSUISHI1

           Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Kurume University School of Medicine1

       Saga Medical University2


Rapid and highly accurate chemical diagnosis for genetic disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism.

       Tomiko KUHARA, Morimasa OHSE, Chie OHDOI

        Division of Human Genetics, Medical Research Institute, Kanazawa Medical University


Semiquantification of sphingomyelin and glucosylceramide In liver and spleen from patients with Niemann-Pick type A, Niemann-Pick type C and Gaucher disease analyzed by DE-MALDI- TOFMS.           

       Masaru TASAKA1, Takehisa FUJIWAKI1, Kazuo SUKEGAWA2, Tamotsu TAKETOMI3,

       Seiji YAMAGUCHI1

       Department of Pediatrics, Shimane Medical University1

       Department of Pediatrics, Gifu Medical University2

       Department of Aging Biochemistry Neuro-aging research Division, Research Center

       on Aging and Adaptation, Shinsyu University School of Medicine3


Variant hemoglobin which Identified by new protocol with Ion trap LC/MSn and mass chromatogram        

         Ayako MIYAZAKI, Toyofumi NAKANISHI, Akira SHIMIZU

         Department of Clinical Pathology, Osaka Medical College


Mass Spectrometry of nitrosylated proteins and peptides

         Rina KANEKO, Yoshinao WADA

         Department of Molecular Medicine, Osaka Medical Center and Research Institute

         forMaternal and Child Health


Closing Remarks


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