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Feb 2, 2022, 清川 Topological control of p21WAF1/CIP1 expression in normal and neoplastic tissues. Cancer Res 55, 1995: 2910-2919
Jan 28, 2022, 星 Differential pre-malignant programs and microenvironment chart distinct paths to malignancy in human colorectal polyps. Cell 184, 2021: 6262-80
Jan 12, 2022, 清川 FAM111B enhances proliferation of KRAS-driven lung adenocarcinoma by degrading p16. Cancer Sci., 111, 2021: 2635-2646
Dec 22, 2021, 清川 Expression of p16 Within Myenteric Neurons of the Aged Colon: A Potential Marker of Declining Function. Front. Neurosci., 2021
Dec 10, 2021, 星 APC mutation and tumor budding in colorectal cancer. J Clin. Pathol.,56, 2003: 69-73
Oct 20, 2021, 金 Distinctive crypt shape in a sessile serrated adenoma/polyp: Distribution of Ki67-, p16INK4a-, WNT5A-positive cells and intraepithelial lymphocytes. Oncol. Rep., 8, 2017 Aug;38(2):775-784







小児外科 抄読会 (終了しました) 
